Mental Health In Dance

Mental Health In Dance

By Move Dance on 7th Jul 2022

Top tips for dancers on how to look after their mental health.

At Move Dance we believe in the importance of looking after your mental health. We have put together some of our top tips for dancers on ways they can improve their mental health. Take a look at some of our suggestions below…

Reset and Recharge

Dance can be demanding both physically and mentally. It's essential for our minds and bodies to rest:

  • Take some time to relax. Grab your favourite bath bomb, light some candles, run a hot bath,and relax. The perfect combo to de-stress.
  • Clear your schedule. Forget about that to-do list for one day and do what makes you happy or nothing at all.
  • Treat yourself, your body needs fuel! Make sure you get 3 meals a day and a cheat day is always welcome.
  • Get some fresh air and go walking! Getting those steps in is a fab way to boost your mood.


In dance, you often receive criticism and ways to improve. This can be tough, dancers tend to be too hard on themselves which can cause low self esteem, here’s a few tips to help you through…

  • Recognise your achievements. Make a list of everything you’re proud of and your achievements, even if it doesn’t relate to dance.
  • Get dressed up! You’ve been in a leotard all day looking at yourself in the mirror. Take it off, put on your fave outfit, do your hair and make up. Anything you feel comfy and confident in!
  • Give yourself a compliment. Try and think of something positive about yourself. Self-love is a great way to improve confidence.


A dancer can get so caught up with rehearsals, classes, exams, and shows they lose sight of the reason why they started dancing in the first place. Remind yourself why you fell in love…

  • Write down your goals, having goals motivates you to keep going and gives you something to work towards.
  • Watch a dance company/dancer who inspires you, there are plenty of amazing dancers to look up to. Have a read on our last blog post to see who inspires us at Move Dance: International Women's Day - 5 Inspirational Women In Dance

Finally, remind yourself why you love to dance, dance is fun and great for your physical and mental health. Nothing beats the feeling of performing on stage or smashing it in class.

We hope you’ve found this helpful & remember, keep going. You got this!

The Move Dance Team x