​Brand Ambassador Cleo's Tips for Dancers Starting Dance College

Tips for Dancers Starting Dance College

By Move Dance on 2nd Sep 2024

Starting dance college can bring a roller coaster of emotions, from apprehension to excitement. Coming back from a summer break for a new term can be equally as scary and overwhelming, especially if you are about to go into your graduate year and professional life is just around the corner.We have sat down with Preston Dance College graduate and brand ambassador Cleo Khan. She shares her top tips for dancers who are about to embark on this exciting journey, keep reading to find out what Cleo’s top tips…

‘What advice would you give to dancers who are really trying to improve their technique in the new term’

Try and get yourself to as many ballet classes as you can too. However going to extra ballet classes sometimes isn't as cost effective so I would say floor barre is a great option, there are lots of great workouts online, on youtube etc. The biggest thing I would say is apply your corrections, your teachers are there to help. I would recommend writing them down so you don't forget. Finally stretch as much as possible! .

‘How would you stay motivated throughout term especially in challenging times’

When I was in the year below I would look up to the older year groups, there was normally one dancer who I would aspire to be like in terms of dance technique. Then when I got to third year and I didnt have an older year group to look up to I would start to find inspiration from dancers I followed on TikTok and Instagram.

'What are some essential self care practices you would recommend for dancers’

Definitely roll out, rolling out it is a great way to release tension at the end of a long day of dancing. Hot baths and epsom salts will be your best friend, there is nothing more relaxing than a hot bath with candles. Skincare is also super important, in dance college we had to wear a full face of makeup everyday and we were sweating a lot, so looking after your skin was really important. Finally slick your hair back with a hair mask slicking your hair back with gel every day can really damage your hair. Using a hair mask has the same effect but is nourishing your hair at the same time.

'How to you handle stress and fatigue during the middle of term or intense periods'

I would definitely say sleep is your best friend, it's so important to prioritise your sleep. If you need to cry, sometimes letting it all out makes you feel better. Don't bottle it up, if you are stressed about something, reach out to your tutors.They usually have good advice where you have been and understand how stressed you are and how much dancers have to deal with!

‘ What is the most important piece of advice for dancers who are about to start dance college’

Go in with the mindset you are there to improve, you shouldn't be the best already. Accept constructive criticism, you are there to get feedback, don't get defensive if your teachers give you corrections. Try not to compare yourself to others, I would set myself unrealistic goals and if i didn't fulfil them I would be so upset, so try and not be so hard on yourself. Dance college isn't everything you need to remember to have a life, it's great to be dedicated but try and have a life outside of dance college and enjoy time with your friends and family. Most importantly enjoy it!

We loved hearing Cleos advice for other dancers who are about to embark on their exciting dance college adventures. Make sure you are dance college ready and find all your dance uniform essentials, including dance leotards and dance shoes.

Good luck!

Move Dance x